
Lesson 92——Billy’s Goal in Life

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第九十二課 比利的人生目標

◎Reading Some people have goals in life. For these people it is important to achieve their goals. As for my brother Billy, his goal in life is to make people happy. He tries to accomplish this by being an obedient son and a good student. In this way, he is able to give joy to those who are dearest to him —his family and his teachers. We should all be like Billy and follow our goals. ◎閱讀 有些人的人生有目標。對這些人來說,達到他們的目標是很重要的。至於我哥哥比利,他人生的目標是讓別人快樂,他設法以做個乖兒子和一名好學生來完成這個目標。這樣一來,他就能將快樂給予他最親的人——也就是他的家人和老師,我們都應該和比利一樣,要追尋自己的目標。 (資料提供:常春藤解析英語雜誌社)(點閱次數:535)